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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Things don't always go as planned

Things don't always go as planned. Check out the pics below to see a few examples of what happens when our expectations get punched in the face by reality.

Expectations: Reality

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  1. Da, sunt de acord cu schimb de link-uri pentru blog-ul meu http://StafidutZ.NET ,trimite-mi un e`mail si spune-mi cum vrei sa te trec la mine in lista : Nume, URL

  2. te am trecut in blogroll ..mult succes

  3. de acord...te-am asezat printre cei pe care ii citesc (blogroll)...succes si o zi buna!

  4. Te-am trecut in blogroll! Astept sa o faci si tu! O zi buna!

  5. Very funny photos! The kitten and dog one is very funny. The kitten's face is hilarious.


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